How to moisturize your kids with Eczema

At this point my house was a personal pharmacy with an array of creams, ointments, body-wash, shampoos, and detergents. You name it, I had it. If there was a label on it that said “Dry Skin”, “Eczema”, or “Fragrance free” I was suckered into buying them. In the past few decades, since there has been an increase in Atopic dermatitis related issues in kids, companies have come out with several different options for kids and adults with eczema, dry skin, irritated skin, and sensitive skin.

The Right lotion for your solution

            Find the right combination of products that best suit your child’s needs. It could be something that your dermatologist might not agree with but for some odd reason works for your kid. My dermatologist recommended Vanicream for my kids with eczema, he said Aquaphor has alcohol as one of its ingredients which counteracts the issue at hand. Meaning, the alcohol in Aquaphor can make the child’s skin dryer even though it feels like it’s doing a great job moisturizing the skin. It made sense when he explained it, however, we tried Vanicream and felt that there was not much improvement in her skin concerns. For my kids Aquaphor seems to make more of a difference so I continue to use it. Venture out for new products, as long as they are fragrance free & free of any potential allergens don’t be afraid to use them. Just be sure to do a small skin test before applying it to their whole body. Aveeno Eczema therapy nighttime balm, Aquaphor healing ointment, and Vanicream ointment are some of my go-to’s.  My kid’s allergist gave me a nifty tip to make it easy to pick products, he said “Always choose products that come in a tub rather than a pump”, because that’s the kind of thick products you are looking for. GENIUS!! 

EczeMOM Tip: Eczema products come with a hefty price tag. If you are reluctant to spend the money on a product, talk to your doctor (pediatrician, allergist, dermatologist) who sometimes will give you samples of different products and/or coupons.  

Turkey Dinner

Constantly butter your kids up with ointments/cream like a Thanksgiving turkey. Vaseline is a very cheap alternative that does miracles for many, however I felt it was getting reabsorbed very quickly into my kid’s skin. I needed the kind that stayed on longer so that I only needed to apply it every 6 hours rather than every 2 hours. Let’s face it, I got 3 kids and 2 of them have severe eczema, I am trying to set realistic goals for myself and for my fellow eczeMOM’s.  

EczeMOM Tip: Amazon tends to have great prices and sometimes even better than your local pharmacy. Compare the prices of products before you get them. You can lower the price even more my choosing monthly/bimonthly subscriptions. If you have prime membership shipping is free and fast.

Consistency is the key to success!

            Yes! I used that phrase because its catchy and sounded cool, but seriously it also applies to regular and frequent application of ointments/creams on your kids to keep the eczema at bay. When my kids were below the age of 1 year old I had a ritual when it came to ointment application. A generous application when they woke up, when they went to bed, and during diaper changes. I had this routine only because it was very easy to forget putting cream on your kids in your otherwise busy day. This is an essential process when it comes to kids with eczema. Their body is unable to hold moisture and applying lotions/ointments frequently aids their skin to do its job.

EczeMOM Tip: Even if their skin looks perfect don’t skip the frequency, just because their skin looks perfect does not mean their eczema is done. It’s just beneath the surface always hiding.

2 thoughts on “How to moisturize your kids with Eczema

  1. Reynold Joseph says:

    Hello Eczemom,
    I found this website very useful. Thank you so much..
    Keep the work going.. All the best

    1. Thank you very much “Eczeuncle” :D! There is more to come

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