Asthma Action Plan

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This action plan shows an outline of recommended treatment during an asthma attack. When my little one (LO) was starting Pre-K, I needed to educate her teacher and the teacher’s assistant about her asthma and what needs to be down in case of a flare up. Since I had limited time to teach the staff I needed a simplified way of delivering the information effectively. In my situation the nurse was not immediately available and the teachers were not familiar with asthma medication and the use of inhaler/spacer. Our pediatrician gave us an action plan for the school, however it was more geared towards the school nurse rather than the staff. There are several other action plans available online to be downloaded, however they might not be easy to follow for someone with limited medical background or life experience.

This action plan is a simplified version of the aafa’s Emergency care plan. (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America). If you need a detailed action plan created by asthma experts, please visit aafa’s site for more information. Please be advised that not all your child’s asthma symptom might be stated in this plan. This can be a life-threatening emergency so I urge you to do the research and find the plan that best suits your family’s needs. You can also ask your child’s primary care provided for a School action plan on Asthma.